Sunday 30 June 2024

Reporting from the Downs Again- Day 18 | Lewes & Kingston

Day 18 - Kingston Ridge Drizzle & Sunday Roast

A lazy Sunday morning is always perfect. But when you add the sweetness of a loving, playful dog like Molly and the freshness of the rolling green hills, it exceeds its perfection!

We went to see Bob in the morning in Kingston which is just the other side of the highway from Lewes. His dog, Molly greeted me with a jump and a lick at the door. Guess she was excited to see a brown person matching the colour of her patches! After having a proper cafe-style coffee and some chit chat, we left with Molly for a walk up the Kingston ridge.


A short walk through the neighbourhood lanes takes you right into the Downs here. It climbs up steep to the top and then you can basically walk and run wherever you want, much like Molly. We continued along the ridge with valleys on either side up to a paved road where the farmers’ tractor could drive up. Just as we got to this road, a vibrant yellow carpet in the distance caught our eyes. It was a rapeseed field that hadn’t yet gone off the colour ! So bright and beautiful ! We tried to capture it with our phone cameras but it is just not possible to do justice with a lens !

The yellow strip of rapeseed field

We walked around the valley and the ridge and then climbed back to the other side of the hill. This was where I had had my (in)famous fall on a frosty day years back. Obviously, such things never get forgotten. So yes, I did get laughed at, yet again ! We climbed down this slope, through the woods and then walked along a little church and across a park back to the house.

Molly was a darling. She ran around with her tongue hanging out and lips spread into a broad smile. Amidst the crazy runs, sometimes she paused to observe things, sometimes rolled over on me just to get some good strokes, and sometimes licked the sunscreen off my arms. When we got to the end of the walk, she laid on the ground still and couldn’t be moved. She decided it wasn’t really the time to go. I agreed.


We had booked a table in the pub - ‘The Swan’ for a Sunday roastie. It was the same pub I visited on my second day here. But hey, I am a creature of habit and I love visiting places that I adore, again and again. So, there we were, sitting in the pub garden, enjoying the most delicious Sunday chicken roast with mash and vegetables and Yorkshire pudding and gravy. The inside of my mouth is a rolling tsunami of saliva right now as I am thinking about it ! We finished off with a superb blueberry and lemon cheesecake with raspberry compote on top. Ahh ! 

A 10/10 Sunday Roast!

It was the last day of my vacation and the animosity with ever-flowing Time had never felt so real. The next day was when I would leave this fairyland and fly back home to reality. We didn’t say goodbyes but the air in the room felt stuffy. We spent a lazy evening, laughing at silly jokes, eating chocolate biscuits, listening to music and then when we had to, we went to bed with a heavy heart.

To live another day on the Downs…a wistful adieu.

And a 10/10 Dessert!

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