Wednesday 26 June 2024

Reporting from the Downs Again- Day 14 | Swanage

Day 14 - Old Harry’s Rock & A Happy Molly (Swanage)

The previous day was a walk towards the Dancing ledge which is to the west side from the Swanage centre. This morning, we made our way towards the east to do the good old Harry's rock walk. Old Harry is the name of a single stack of chalk that stands out in the sea. It has undergone years of wear and tear and has come off the mainland.

Old Harry's Rock

Apparently, there was a time in history, when there was a Mrs. Harry as well but erosion caused the wife to stumble into the sea. There was a group of kids on a school tour and we eavesdropped on the teacher’s lecture and now we know that the chalk erosion first causes the headland to form caves and then the caves erode further into arches and finally into stacks.

A house in the woods at the beginning of the climb

From the top of the cliff here, you get a lovely view of the Swanage bay to the west and the Studland bay to the east. It’s a nice piece of land coming out into the sea protecting the bay from any harsh weather. There was a big herd of baby cows and their mothers, grazing their lazy day away. Everyone seemed to be a bit apprehensive about them as there was news in the UK about people getting intimidated by cows!

View of the Swanage Bay from the top

We were climbing up along the edge when suddenly, my friend called out Molly! Of Course I had no idea what was going on until an extremely happy dog came running towards us through the long grass, jumping up and down with its ears flapping like crazy in the air ! It is the sweetest dog I have ever met. I love dogs but I am also always a tiny bit scared of them. But with Molly, there is not a single scary bone ! I loved her instantly when she laid down and let me stroke her all over without any complaint. She belonged to a friend who I have heard about a lot but met for the first time.

View of the Studland Bay from the top

We finally finished our hike and walked back into the town. I treated myself a custard tart and it was so amazing that I ordered a second one right away! We gathered some more fodder and then drove off to Corfe castle. The stone walled village and the lovely disney castle (Corfe castle has been used in many films, one such being Disney’s Bedknobs and Broomsticks!) welcomed me back with the same happy vibe. Last time I was here, we took the steam train to the castle and back - very Victorian. I did not have the same luxury this time, courtesy, my ever constant enemy - time!

Corfe Castle Village

And with that enemy looming over me, we finally said goodbye to the sweet Swanage and headed back home. It’s uncanny that I always end up feeling like a much more lovable and better person when I come back from Swanage!

Anyway, back home, time for some comfort food. For me, that always involves a simple dahl and veggie. These couple of days in Swanage was like a trip within a trip. So when I got back to Lewes, I craved something simple. I made moong dal , beetroot mix veggie and mushroom omelette.


Take me to a lovely blue sea, make me walk miles on green grass and feed me dahl and an omelette and I am a happy beaming bee ! Later, when I dozed off to sleep, there was the Famous Five running around the Disney castle looking for hidden treasure…zzz.

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